Jiangnan sizhu : (江南丝竹 Jiāngnán Sīzhú)
Old Chenghuang Temple Lake Pavilion Ensemble, Dizi (flute): Dong Kejun - Huan Le Ge (Song of Joy), Pop Art Cassette (1988)
Track list:
A1. huān lè gē 欢乐歌 song of joy
A2. zhōng huā liù bǎn 中花六板 medium ornamented six beats
A3. sān liù 三六 three six
B1. yún qìng 云庆 cloud celebration
B2. xíng jiē 行街 wedding procession
Performed by:
shànghǎi lǎo chénghuángmiào húxīntíng yuèduì 上海老城隍庙湖心亭乐队
Lit. Shanghai old city god temple mid-lake pavilion ensemble
Dizi: Dǒng Kèjūn 董克钧
Recorded by the Arts Development Section of Shanghai Conservatory
Jointly produced by Yunnan Audio And Video Co, and Pop Art Productions Co Ltd
Transferred from cassette tape (Sony Walkman Pro) > wav (Edirol R09) > flac > LAME 190 variable kbps mp3.
Link: 74MB, 190 variable bitrate mp3, inc cover and notes (in English and Chinese)
Better scans of liner notes, click on thumbnail for full sized version, note these are large image files of 1MB each. Spelling mistakes have been corrected.
Chinese (traditional characters):