Hu Zhihou - Guanzi Solo, River Water (1995)Artist: Hú Zhìhòu 胡志厚, and
Zhōngyāng Yīnyuè Xuéyuàn Mínzú Yuètuán 中央音乐学院民族乐团 (Central Conservatory of Music traditional ensemble)
Album: jiāng hé shuǐ guǎnzi dúzòu 江河水管子独奏, (river water, guanzi solo),
Zhōngguó chuántǒng qìyuè míngjiā míngqǔ 中国传统器乐名家名曲
(masters and masterpieces of Chinese traditional instrumental music)
Year: 1995
Format: CD
Company: guǎngdōng zhūjiāng yīnxiàng chūbǎnshè chūbǎn 广东珠江音像出版社出版
(Guangdong Zhujiang A & V publishing house)
AJA - 0019
ISRC CN-F25-95-0003-0/A.J6
Notes: CD is in Chinese only.
01. Wàn Nián Huān 万年欢 (thousand year happiness)
02. Zuì Wēng Cāo 醉翁操 (intoxicated)
03. Fàng Lǘ 放驴 (driving a donkey)
04. Jiāng Hé Shuǐ 江河水 (river water)
05. Zǒu Xī Kǒu 走西口 (journey to west gate)
06. Pǔ ǎn zhòu 普庵咒 (incantation of Pu'an)
07. Xiǎo Táo Hóng 小桃红 (little red peach)
08. Yuè Zhāng 乐章 (a music movement)
Download link: Hu Zhihou - Guanzi Solo (1995, Zhujiang).zip
Size: 73.52 MB, 130 vbr mp3 in zip folder inc covers
The instrument featured on this album is the guanzi. It is a Chinese double reed wind instrument. The guanzi player is Hu Zhihou of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. has another version of track 5. Zǒu Xī Kǒu 走西口 (journey to west gate), which I actually prefer over the version on the CD in this post.
Hu Zhihou also has an album called "Music of the Guanzi" on the Japanese "JVC World Sounds" series of CDs . I'm not sure if it is still currently available, but I think it's probably easier to find in the west than the Chinese-only CD.
Track list from the CD:
1. yàn luò shā tān 雁落沙滩 (Yan Luo Sha Tan)
2. sān bǎo fó 三宝佛 (San Bao Fe [sic])
3. hú jiā shí bā pāi 胡笳十八拍 (Hu Jia Shi Ba Puo [sic])
4. dà shèng jiào 大晟教 (Da Cheng Jing [sic])
5. wū yè tí 乌夜啼 (Wu Ye Ti)
6. yáng guān sān dié 阳关三叠 (Yang Guan San Die)
Zhōngyāng Yīnyuè Xuéyuàn Mínzú Yuètuán 中央音乐学院民族乐团 Central Conservatory of Music traditional ensemble
stated on CD as "Traditional Music Ensemble of The Beijing National Academy of Music"
Guanzi 管子 : Hú Zhìhòu 胡志厚
Zheng: Wáng Zhōngshān王中山
Sheng: Yáng Shǒuchéng 杨守城, Hú Jiànbīng 胡建兵
Percussion: Wáng Jiànhuá 王建华, Jiǎng Zhìchāo 蒋志超
JVC World Sounds VICG-5260 (1993)
Recorded in Beijing, 20 September 1992

Hu Zhihou is also the guanzi player on the CD "Buddhist Music of the Ming Dynasty, Zhihuasi Temple, Beijing" (1993 CD) JVC World Sounds - VICG 5259.