Zhōngguó Mínzú Qìyuè Xìliè 中国民族器乐系列
"A Series of Chinese Traditional Instrumental Music"
Chuántǒng Guǎngdōng Yīnyùe Wǔjiàtóu 传统广东音乐五家头
"Traditional Quintes [sic] of Guangdong Music"
Yú Qíwěi Guǎngdōng Yīnyuè Wǔ Rén Xiǎozǔ Yǎnzòu 余其伟广东音乐五人小组演奏
(Yu Qiwei Guangdong Music Quintet)
Bái tiān é yīnxiàng chūbǎnshè 百天鹅音像出版社
(Bái tiān é [white swan] audio and video publishing house)
W-S-8869 (1990)
Format: cassette tape
Transferred from cassette tape, Sony Walkman Pro>Edirol R09 wav>FLAC>LAME mp3
Track list:
A1. è mǎ yáo líng 饿马摇铃 Jinglebells of the Hungry Horse
A2. shuāng fèng cháo yáng 双凤朝阳 Two Phoenixes Dancing to the Sun
A3. yú lè shēng píng 娱乐升平 Amusing in the Peaceful World
A4. jiāo shí míng qín 蕉石鸣琴 Music Coming from the Rock Amongst the Banana Trees
A5. yǔ dǎ bā jiāo 雨打芭蕉 Rains Beating the Banana Trees
A6. yín hé huì 银河会 The Cowherd and Girl Weaver Meeting on the Milky Way
B1. niǎo tóu lín 鸟投林 Nestward Bound
B2. yú gē wǎn chàng 渔歌晚唱 The Fisherman's Song at Dusk
B3. zǒu mǎ 走马 Trotting Along on Horseback
B4. qí shān fèng 岐山凤 The Phoenixes Flying to Qishan Mountain
B5. shuāng shēng hèn 双声恨 The Grievance of the Cowherd and Girl Weaver
B6. lián huán kòu 连环扣 Interlocking
Yú Qíwěi 余其伟 (gāohú, èrhú, èrxián)
Zhào Lìlí 赵莉梨 (yángqín)
Wǔ Guózhōng 伍国忠 (dòngxiāo, dízi)
Hú Xiǎo 胡晓 (qínqín, zhōngruǎn, pípá)
Wén Chuányíng 文传盈 (yèhú)
Track 2 / A2, 双凤朝阳 can be:
(shuāngfèngzhāoyáng) two phoenixes in the morning sun, or
(shuāngfèngcháoyáng) two phoenixes facing the sun
Download link: 52MB 130 vbr mp3 in zip folder inc covers
This is one of my favourite recordings of Guangdong Music. My preference is for small ensembles, without a heavy low bass sound, one zhonghu or yehu is enough.
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