Artist/Performers: Central Conservatory, Zhōngyāng Yīnyuè Xuéyuàn Mínyuètuán 中央音乐学院民乐团 (Central Conservatory folk ensemble),
Wáng Fǔjiàn 王甫建 (zhǐhuī 指挥, conductor),
Guō Yǎzhì 郭雅志 (suǒnà 嗩呐)
Bāo Jiàn 包键 (guǎnzi 管子)
Li3 Zhen1gui4 李真贵
Dan1 Wen2tong1 单文通et al
(instruments info from other CDs)
Album: Chinese Folk Wind & Percussion Music (cass), zhōngguó mínjiān chuīdǎyuè 中国民间吹打乐
Year: not stated, bought in late 1990s
Company: zhōngguó běiguāng shēngxiàng yìshù gōngsī 中国北光声像艺术公司 BSL-024(China Beiguang arts audio & video company)
Cassette tape track list:
A1. bǎi niǎo cháo fèng 百鸟朝凤 (hundred birds praising the phoenix)
A2. gōu jīn lìng 沟金令 (lit. ditch gold command)
A3. xiǎo èr fān 小二番 (lit. small two times)
A4. dǎ jīn zhī 打金枝 (pruning the golden branch)
B1. dà déshèng 大得胜 (great victory)
B2. lagūa 啦呱 (Shandong dialect meaning chat, casual conversation)
B3. qìng fēngshōu 庆丰收 (celebrate the bumper harvest)
B4. fàng lǘ 放驴 (driving a donkey)
B5. dǎ zǎo ér 打枣儿 (getting jujube dates)
Info from cassette notes:
A1. bǎi niǎo cháo fèng 百鸟朝凤 (hundred birds praising the phoenix)
Derived from Shandong "drum music" (Shandong guyue 山东鼓乐). Features the suona.
A2. gōu jīn lìng 沟金令 (lit. ditch gold command)
Suona and percussion music (suona luogu 唢呐锣鼓), from the Shandong and Hebei area.
A3. xiǎo èr fān 小二番 (lit. small two times)
From central Hebei, well known as guanzi piece.
A4. dǎ jīn zhī 打金枝 (pruning the golden branch)
From bangzi Chinese opera.
B1. dà déshèng 大得胜 (great victory)
Shanxi folk drum and wind music (Shandong minjian guchui yue 山西民间鼓吹乐).
B2. lagūa 啦呱 (Shandong dialect meaning chat, casual conversation)
"Lagua" is Shandong dialect to mean chat, casual conversation. Features two suona playing the part of two people chatting.
B3. qìng fēngshōu 庆丰收 (celebrate the bumper harvest)
Shandong wind and percussion music (Shandong chuida yue 山东吹打乐).
B4. fàng lǘ 放驴 (driving a donkey)
From central Hebei.
B5. dǎ zǎo ér 打枣儿 (picking jujube dates)
Hebei folk music.
Download link: http://sharebee.com/9cb3eb2f
Filename: Chinese Folk Wind & Percussion Music (cass).zip
Size: 48.5 MB
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