Thursday 4 December 2008

Jiangnan Sizhu: "eight great pieces"

江南丝竹八大曲 Jiangnan Sizhu: "eight great pieces" (in pinyin alphabetical order):

Format: pinyin, characters, (English translation)

huā sān liù 花三六 (ornamented three six)

huān lè gē 欢乐歌 (song of joy)

màn liù bǎn 慢六板 (slow six beats)

sān liù 三六 (three six), also called méi huā sān nòng 梅花三弄 (three variations of plum flower)

sì hé rú yì 四合如意 (four combine as you wish or four together as you please)

xíng jiē 行街 (walking in the street, procession or wedding procession)

yún qìng 云庆 (cloud celebration)

zhōng huā liù bǎn 中花六板 (medium ornamented six beats), also called xūn fēng qǔ 薰风曲 (Warm Southerly Breeze)

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