Jiangnan sizhu:
Shanghai traditional ensemble (Shanghai Minzu Yuetuan)
"Chinese Melody 3, Music of Southern Yangtze"
1986 cassette tape
Performer: Shanghai Traditional Orchestra (shànghǎi mínzú yuètuán 上海民族乐团)
Cassette title: Chinese Melody 3, Music of Southern Yangtze (1986)
zhōngguó xuán lǜ 3, jiāngnán sīzhú 中国旋律 (三) 江南丝竹
A1. huān lè gē 欢乐歌 song of joy
A2. xíng jiē 行街 walking in street
A3. zhōng huā liù bǎn 中花六板 medium ornamented six beats
A4. dēng yuè jiāo huī 灯月交辉 lanterns and moon both shine
B1. sān liù 三六 three six
B2. yún qìng 云庆 cloud celebration
B3. chūn huī qǔ 春晖曲 spring sun
B4. hán jiāng cán xuě 寒江残雪 Lingering of Snow on Frozen River
From cassette tape: Chinese Melody 3, Music of Southern Yangtze
zhōngguó xuán lǜ 3, jiāngnán sīzhú 中国旋律 (三) 江南丝竹
China Records HL-466 (1986)
Link: 45MB, 130 variable bitrate mp3, inc cover and notes (in Chinese)
NOTE: there is a pinyin mistake in the track list text file and the mp3 tags: "Zhong1 Guo2 Lv3 Lv4 (3)" should be "Zhong1 Guo2 Xuan2 Lv4" (Zhōng guó xuán lǜ 中国旋律)
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