Erhu: Wáng Guótóng 王国潼
Album: A Collection of Music Played on the Erhu Vol 4
(Wang Guotong 王国潼 recital)
CD Year: 1992
CD Company: China Record CCD-92/169
01. yùběi xùshìqǔ 豫北叙事曲 Northern Henan Ballad - Wáng Guótóng 王国潼
02. sānménxiá chàngxiǎngqǔ 三门峡畅想曲 Sanmen Gorge Rhapsody - Wáng Guótóng 王国潼, piano: Zhōu Guǎngrén 周广仁
03. bēn chí zài qiān lǐ cǎo yuán 奔驰在千里草原 Galloping in the Boundless Grassland - Wáng Guótóng 王国潼
04. bù qū de sū wǔ 不屈苏武 Unyielded Su Wu - Wáng Guótóng 王国潼 & zhōngguó guǎngbō mínzú yuètuán 中国广播民族乐团
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Filename: A Collection of Music Played on the Erhu Vol 4 (1992, China Record).zip
Size: 47.83 MB
130 vbr mp3 in zip folder inc covers and notes in Chinese and English
Hm. They're trying a bit hard to make it into a western concert instrument. Can't say I like this one very much.
Or you could say they're trying to make it a Chinese concert instrument, but yes it's clearly modelled on western classical music.
Actually I really like the first 2 pieces (Northern Henan Ballad and Sanmen Gorge Rhapsody), but I'm less keen on the third and fourth pieces.
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