Performers: Wáng Fúlì 王福立, Hán Fèngtián 韩凤田, Chuán Dìng 传定, Sòng Dōng’ān 宋东安, Hán Yàn et al 韩燕 等.
Album: Lēiqín qǔjí, zhōngguó yīnyuè dàxì 擂琴曲集, 中国音乐大系.
(leiqin collection, series of Chinese music)
Year: 1990s or earlier.
Company: Zhōngguó yīnyuèjiā yīnxiàng chūbǎnshè chūbǎnfāxíng 中国音乐家音像出版社出版发行.
(China musician audio video publishing house)
Cassette tape track list:
A1. jīngjù èr jìn gōng xuǎnduàn 京剧二进宫选段 Beijing opera, excerpt from Er Jin Gong (Entering the Palace for the Second Time or Revisit To the Inner Court)
A2. jīngjù zhá měi àn xuǎnduàn 京剧铡美案选段 Beijing opera, excerpt from Zha Mei An (Execution of the Imperial Son-in-Law or The Beheading of an Ungrateful Husband or The Execution of Chen Shimei)
A3. jīngjù sū sān qǐ jiě xuǎnduàn 京剧苏三起解选段 Beijing opera, excerpt from Su San Qi Jie (Ms Su San Goes to Trial, or The Woman Prisoner Su San)
A4. yùjù cháoyáng gōu xuǎnduàn 豫剧朝阳沟选段 (Yu opera, excerpt from Chao Yang Gou; chaoyang ditch, drain, narrow waterway)
A5. píngjù liú qiǎo ér xuǎnduàn 评剧刘巧儿选段 (Ping opera, excerpt from Liu Qiao'er)
A6. lǚjù lǐ èrsǎo gǎijià xuǎnduàn 吕剧李二嫂改嫁选段 (Lv opera, excerpt from Li Ersao Gaijia, second wife-of-older-brother remarry, or Aunt Li's Remarriage)
A7. yuèjù lóu tái huì xuǎnduàn 越剧楼台会选段 (Zhejiang Yue opera, excerpt from Lou Tai Hui, meeting in building)
A8. jīngjù bàwáng bié jī xuǎnduàn 京剧霸王别姬选段 (Beijing opera, excerpt from Bawang Bie Ji, tyrant leaves concubine)
A9. jīngjù zhìqǔ wēi hǔshān xuǎnduàn 京剧智取威虎山选段 (Beijing opera, excerpt from Zhiqu Wei Hushan, taking tiger mountain by strategy)
B1. mùsīlín de hūnlǐ 穆斯林的婚礼 (muslim wedding)
B2. ā fán tí 阿凡提 (afanti)
B3. zàn gē 赞歌 (song of praise)
B4. hǎidǎo de zǎochén 海岛的早晨 (spring morning in sea island)
B5. liù chù xīngwàng 六畜兴旺 (six livestock flourishing)
Cassette in Chinese only. Translation of Chinese opera titles with capital letters are from various websites.
This is a cassette of Chinese traditional instrumental music, featuring the leiqin; a two string vertical fiddle with a fingerboard. Side A of music from various types of Chinese opera, with leiqin in place of the singer, ie the leiqin plays what the singer would sing.
Download link:
Filename: Leiqin album (zhongguo yinyuejia cassette).zip
Size: 45.75 MB
130vbr mp3 in zip folder inc covers
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